Welcoming The Holy Month; Ramadhan 1442 H.
Bismillahil Awwalu Wal ‘Akhiru
All praises be to Alloh ﷻ, Because of His mercy and pleasure, we will soon leave the month of Sha’ban. Salawat to the last glorious Prophet and Rasul, Muhammad ﷺ, as well as to his family and relatives.
Abi, Ummi, and Ikhwani fillah, as we know that insyaAlloh soon we will meet the most extraordinary guest. It come only once for a year, and the time is short, only for a month, that is Ramadhan. We understand that Alloh ﷻ will Redouble the goodness in this month. So that this is the best opportunity for us to compete in worship and do good. So that, this is the best opportunity for us to compete in worship and do good.
Here we summarize some of things can do when Ramadhan accompany us for one month:
- Pray
It’s ok to asking to Alloh ﷻ for our lucky in meeting Ramadhan, so we can welcoming Ramadhan by the flutter hearth, and full of spirit to get worship to Alloh ﷻ.
- Grateful
What kind of grace (nikmat) that you don’t receive it? After we entering Ramadhan, don’t forget to always be grateful. We don’t know exactly when will our age is end. Besides, the other grace is Allah always Gives us Taufiq for us to do the best obedience as Umat.
- Be Happy
Rasulullah ﷺ has inform us to be happy in welcoming Ramadhan. As has been said by Rasulullah ﷺ :
ﻗَﺪْ ﺟَﺎﺀَﻛُﻢْ ﺭَﻣَﻀَﺎﻥُ، ﺷَﻬْﺮٌ ﻣُﺒَﺎﺭَﻙٌ، ﺍﻓْﺘَﺮَﺽَ ﺍﻟﻠﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻜُﻢْ ﺻِﻴَﺎﻣَﻪُ، ﺗُﻔْﺘَﺢُ ﻓِﻴﻪِ ﺃَﺑْﻮَﺍﺏُ ﺍﻟْﺠَﻨَّﺔِ، ﻭَﺗُﻐْﻠَﻖُ ﻓِﻴﻪِ ﺃَﺑْﻮَﺍﺏُ ﺍﻟْﺠَﺤِﻴﻢِ، ﻭَﺗُﻐَﻞُّ ﻓِﻴﻪِ ﺍﻟﺸَّﻴَﺎﻃِﻴﻦُ، ﻓِﻴﻪِ ﻟَﻴْﻠَﺔٌ ﺧَﻴْﺮٌ ﻣِﻦْ ﺃَﻟْﻒِ ﺷَﻬْﺮٍ، ﻣَﻦْ ﺣُﺮِﻡَ ﺧَﻴْﺮَﻫَﺎ ﻓَﻘَﺪْ ﺣُﺮِﻡ
“Ramadan, the blessed month, has come to you. Allah obliges you to fast from him. The gates of heaven were opened to him. The gates of Jahim (hell) are closed. The demons are in chains. Inside there is a night that is better than 1000 months. Who is prevented from his kindness, then he is really hindered.” (Narrated by Ahmad)
- Committed
As people who live in the world, we often make serious programs and targets for world affairs. This is the time to strengthen commitment to the ukhrowi (afterlife) program. Make a worship plan during the month of Ramadan and commit to running it well, inshaAllah will help habituate a better quality of worship.
- Learn Syar’i Science
The obligation of a believer to worship is based on knowledge. As we know that one of the requirements to accept worship is according to the guidance of the Rasulullah ﷺ, among these obligations is fasting in the month of Ramadhan. It is appropriate for a Muslim to learn to know the matters of fasting and the laws before he performs it (before the month of Ramadhan), so that his fast is valid and accepted by Allah ﷻ.
فَاسْأَلوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ
“So ask knowledgeable people if you don’t know.” (QS. Al-Anbiya’ : 7)
- Leave Sin and Badness
Ramadhan is the maghfiroh month. How come? There are tons of forgiveness which Allah ﷻ grant for us.
وَتُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّهِ جَمِيعاً أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُون
“And repent all of you to Allah, O you who believe, so that you are lucky.” (QS. An-Nur: 31)
- Physical and Spiritual Preparation
By listening to kajian, reading religious books, and attending every religious discussion will add insight and spiritual needs in welcoming Ramadhan.
The body also needs to be prepared. So it is recommended to be strong in facing Ramadan, since the month of Sha’ban you can prepare yourself with increasing the routine of worship, both fasting and others.