Two International Speakers Were Highly Anticipated By The Audience Of Gistrav Education Talk Vol.1
SLEMAN – Gistrav Islamia School – Jogja has once again strengthened its quality as an International Islamic School through its outstanding programs to be an educational institution which can answer the demand and challenge of the fast-changing world, especially in regards to diversity of the world. One of the programs to achieve that goal which has been designed by Gistrav Islamia School-Jogja is Gistrav Education Talk (GET).
On Thursday, 29 April 2021, GET Vol. 1 has been successfully held. Bringing ‘Multiculturality in Education’ as its grand theme, GET Vol. 1 aimed to open the broader insight, especially for parents and school stakeholders, in facing the education challenges in this modern world. This event was held virtually with two speakers invited from Japan and Malaysia; Mr. Saidan, the principal of Sekolah Republik Indonesia Tokyo – Japan, and Mrs. Khadijatul Azada, the Chief Brand Officer of The Sunnah School Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Running for two hours, each speaker talked about multiculturalism in their institutions. The first speaker presenting was Mrs. Khadijatul Azada who was bringing a very interesting talk under the topic of ‘From Islamic school to the world: Shaping the young golden Muslim generation with great multicultural understanding’. The most insightful point she brought was how The Sunnah School is able to create and maintain the harmony of the culturally diverse students and staffs at their school by always going back to the basic value of Islam through Quran verses and sunnah. Meanwhile, the second speaker, Mr. Saidan, explained and discussed how the Indonesian students living in Japan appreciate the different cultures while still upholding their identity as Indonesian people under the topic ‘Indonesian education abroad: How to be standing locally among the Japanese society’.
More than 30 participants joined the event directly through Zoom Meeting, and the other hundred participants following the events from both Instagram and YouTube live. Led by Miss Astika Nurwidyawati (Academic Director of Gistrav Islamia School) as the moderator, the event was running smoothly and it was full of enthusiasm from the participants who asked interesting questions to the speakers and filled the polling session to rate the GET Vol. 1 and gave their recommendation for the next talk betterment. This event was ended by taking some photographs with all speakers and participants. (*)